Online Appeal

•    $10 or Rs. 600 pays for the cost of one day’s stay in the hospital including meals; or for any of the commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs
•    $25 or Rs. 1500 can pay for 3 days of hospital stay or pay for one dose of most of the expensive chemotherapeutic drugs.
•    $50 or Rs. 3000 can pay for some essential tests like CT scans or MRI most children need.
•    $500 or Rs. 30,000 can cover the cost of major treatments like initial treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and very sick children requiring ICU care.


Stories of Immanuel Stories of Immanuel Oncology Stories Immanuel's Cancer is in Remission - thanks to Camila Children Cancer Centre When Immanuel was 2 year old, his... Read more
Story of Master.Murugesan Story of Master.Murugesan The following story reminds all of us to be vigilant to avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment of childhood cancer. 15 year old... Read more